July 5, 2011

well,u know what?

Selama ini,
aku masih tepati janji bukan?

Jadi manusia baru.
bukan hati batu macam zaman dulu-dulu.
Perangai elok.
Budi bahasa elok.
Sabar lebih banyak.
Emosi stabil.
Kawal egois.

Kata-kata kau aku turutkan.
Aku ikutkan sebab aku kira ini boleh bawa kebaikan pada aku.

Apa pun yang kau buat dibelakang,waima didepan aku,
aku diamkan.
Cukup sekali dua aku bantah guna bahasa sebab aku tahu
aku selalu akan kalah dengan emosi kau,bahasa kau.
Sampai situ,aku sudah malas mahu bertoleransi sebab aku malas nak cetuskan pergaduhan.

Silap aku, kau ulang semula kasi aku rasa macam mana kau rasa.
Silap kau,fikir aku hati kecut serupa kau.

Sakitnya kau tahu macam mana?
Lagi teruk dari kesan parut yang ada pada muka aku ni.
Permanent and hurt.

Aku emosi.
Emosi aku lagi gila dari emosi kau.

Dulu kau game aku kan?
Aku selalu bagi kau peluang untuk menang walaupun hakikatnya kau tak layak nak menang.
Tapi kau pijak kepala aku kan.

Sekarang mari kita tengok sampai level mana kau tahan main dalam game aku pulak!

July 2, 2011

fill in the blank saturday.

Today is Saturday.The best day of the week.

It's also time for filling some blanks.  If you want to play along, just fill in the blanks over at your blog and then link back here at the end of this post.  dangsin-ui il eul jeulgil  (I speak zero Korean, but I think that means "enjoy you days!").

1.   The last thing I ate was  roti boom with hot coffee.
2.  The next thing I'd like to eat is  Chocolate Indulgence by Secret Receipe plus Tori Karaage by Sushi King .

3.  The best things     in life are free. Cliche, but true :)

4.  Something that makes me supremely and utterly happy is   throwing altogether those bad memories into the dustbin,eating,shopping, and texting him :)

       6.  I miss  Irwan Rashide.Always texting him and now I miss him terribly...even more than I already did. I wish Kuala Lumpur and Malacca were far closer to one another ,haha  .
7.  Right now I am  so incredibly sleepy!

8.   Lesson that all guys out there should know today is GIRLS are like phones , they love to be held n talked to .. but if you press the wrong button , u will be disconnected ! :p

Hope you have a great weekend!
Mine will be filled with barkdust and yard work.  Boo! 

June 29, 2011

after a long delusion.

sometimes people wish they can choose
what to remember and what not to.
it's not easy to throw away those bad memories -_____-
pathetic rite?yah,i noted that

the same way
some people wish they can change the ribonucleic acid.
the hard cold truth is that we can't.
it's despicable to not be able to erase what we want
when we want it desperately,
and recall it when we are ready,
life isn't that easy.

same as me,
i lose myself -___-

so much of feeling good
now the good feeling are all gone,
and left be behind.

April 13, 2011

sini dengar aku.

hati rasa sangat sebak.

Sesungguhnya bila kita kehilangan sesuatu barulah kita sedar
dan bersifat lebih menghargai.
Sesungguhnya bila kita terluka barulah kita akan mengerti apa itu erti luka.
Dan mungkin bila kita rasakan rindu yang sangat dalam, barulah kita tahu seberapa besar makna dan erti perasaan rindu itu bagi kita.
Jadi,hargailah ia selagi ia masih ada.

lots of regret,